Always one step ahead of the competitors!


As the manufacturers of high quality wooden fences, we feel compelled to keep up with the prevailing trends in the recent market. The only successfull manufacturer is whoever provides its customers with quality and safety. The quality is primarily determined by the choice of a suitable timber and careful surface preparation (grinding, impregnating, priming) to ensure durability for years.

The choice of wood is one of the biggest secrets of our technologists. The result is a product that meets the highest standards and expectations. Furthermore, the quality depends on dual-layer coating, and finally on the reliable way of protecting of the cross-sections of wood.

The maximum level of safety is provided by the ecological paints. All final coating meets the requirements of DIN EN 71-3, DIN EN 53160. Complementing of the constructive wood protection is to have a quality label CONTROL-e53. A new generation of products is based on innovative technology PowerWood – a way to provide the long-term protection for wooden fences.

Przetwarzanie dobrego, wyselekcjonowanego surowca przy równoczesnym zastosowaniu najnowocześniejszych technologii, maszyn i urządzeń, daje efekt w produkcji NOWOCZESNEJ GENERACJI ogrodzeń drewnianych.

Processing of good, selected raw materials together with the use of modern technology, machinery and equipment, results in the production of wooden fences of modern generation. 

The company is trying its best to meet all needs and requirements of even of the most demanding customers. To fulfil and complete all requirements to the most satisfactionary level, in the production process, we implement the proven innovations, with the use of preservation of wood with the yacht paint. The company cares for maximum functionality, it offers a number of revolutionary features and improving the comfort of their products.

